We offer two pathways leading to Level 3 qualifications. Our curriculum offer provides a degree of flexibility that enables each student to access courses that are best suited to their Key Stage 4 qualifications and future career aspirations whilst providing a wide variety of subject options. Every student follows a suite of substantial qualifications that stretch and prepare them for education at the next level or for employment.
We endeavour to arrange option blocks to accommodate the choices of the maximum number of students whilst taking into account the constraints of timetable scheduling. We always endeavour to run all courses offered, however the group sizes must be viable too.
The Academic pathway focuses on traditional A Level qualifications and students on this pathway will be expected to select three, possibly four, subjects.
A Level courses are assessed mainly through multiple exam papers at the end of the course. However, some courses do include a coursework element.
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements are a key component of ensuring students are studying qualifications and subjects that will allow them to thrive and provide a variety of Post-18 options.
To study A Level courses, students should have a minimum of a grade 5 in GCSE English and Mathematics. They should also have three grade 5 from other subjects. Other subject specific entry requirements may apply, see prospectus for further details.
Course options
Art and Design, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Design, Design Graphics and Photography, Drama, Economics, English Language, English Literature, French, German, Geography, Government and Politics, History, Law, Mathematics, Media Studies, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish.
The Applied Pathway includes BTEC Level 3 qualifications and OCR Nationals. Students will study the equivalent of three qualifications. Some subjects such as Dance, Health and Social and Sport are available to study as a double, allowing students to gain the equivalent of two qualifications from the same subject.
These courses are assessed through coursework assignments, controlled assessments and external examinations.
Entry requirements
On the Applied pathway students should have a minimum of a grade 4 in GCSE English and Mathematics as well as three other grade 4s.
Course options
Business, Criminology, Dance, Health & Social Care, ICT, Protective Services, Science, Sport and Travel and Tourism.
It is compulsory that any student who is yet to achieve a grade 4 in either Maths or English Language/Literature must resit the qualification until a grade 4 is achieved. Students will be supported with timetabled lessons as well as additional intervention to ensure they achieve the necessary grade 4. GCSE resit opportunities are in November and the Summer exam seasons.
Alongside our formal qualification offer, we offer an ever growing range of scholarship opportunities. These allow students to work alongside highly qualified professionals to develop their skills and abilities n their chosen area.
The scholarships include:
· Football scholarship
· Golf scholarship
· Rugby scholarship
· Performing arts academy
Informed Choices is aimed at pupils aged 14 and upwards who are considering university and want information to help them choose the right subjects to study at sixth form or college.
The guidance is written by admissions directors from the 24 Russell Group universities and provides information on why subject choice matters.
· Remember, this is general guidance only. For detailed and up-to-date information you will need to contact Wath Academy's Careers Team, contact individual universities or look up courses on the UCAS website.
The Informed Choices website is new and the group running the site are open to feedback. If you have any feedback please contact them on