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The ACADEMY Uniform Policy

Wath Academy students must be in perfect uniform at all times, from leaving their home in the morning, until they return home. Whenever students are wearing the Academy uniform, they are representing the Academy. If shoes or an item of uniform is damaged and there is a slight delay in replacing it, then the Academy will provide a temporary replacement. If a student refuses to wear this item they will be sent home to rectify the issue or placed in a consequence room. If there is a genuine reason why a student cannot comply with the uniform rules, parents/carers should provide a letter for their child to bring to school.

The Principal will make the final decision of whether items of uniform are acceptable. If you are unsure whether or not certain items of uniform meet our uniform requirements, please check with the Academy before you purchase them.

Uniform checks are carried out at the beginning of lessons as part of the daily routine and any breach of the rules will be passed onto our Pastoral Year Leader team to be followed up. The content of this page is for guidance, our full Uniform Policy can be found here, Policies 



Additional Information

There are certain items of our uniform that can only be bought from specific providers. These items include: Academy tie, blazer with badge and our Academy approved skirt. These items are available to be purchased from our two external providers: 

  • Prestige Printers: purchases can be made from their shop based in Swinton. Phone number: 01709 580100 Full address; 106 Church Street, Swinton, Mexborough, South Yorkshire S64 8DQ. Further details on their website
  • Pinders Schoolwear: purchases can be made from their two shops based in Rotherham or online at  

uniform donations

The Academy collects and holds pre-loved uniform, such as blazers, ties, PE kit etc. If you have any uniform that you can donate, please could you drop this in at Main Reception.

If you would like to discuss the purchasing of pre-loved uniform or discuss support in the purchasing of new uniform, please contact the Academy on: 01709 760222.


Pupils are expected to bring the following basic equipment to school without which they will struggle to fully participate in lessons:

  • 1 Black Pen
  • 1 Purple Pen (which are used for feedback)
  • 1 Pencil
  • 1 Black Whiteboard Pen 
  • Ruler
  • Eraser
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Compass (drawing tool)
  • Protractor

Any subject books / learning materials you may need for the day

  • Student Planner (you will receive this at the start of the school year)
  • PE kit (when required)

The following items are not essential, but having them in your pencil case is useful:

  • Highlighters
  • Glue stick

Always ensure you turn up to exams with the required equipment as there are no guarantees that spare pens, calculators, rulers etc. will be available.