Deputy Head Boy – Jamie McGinnes 2018-2020

I chose Wath Sixth Form for several reasons. Firstly, I had heard nothing but positive things from students whilst coming towards the end of Year 11 at St. Pius, which I think is key as you can get a true idea of what the day-to-day life is like in a new environment. Also, statistically Wath excel as a Sixth Form in terms of grades for A-Levels, especially in comparison to other institutions in the area, which I believe is definitely something to look at in terms of maximising the opportunities further down the line, whether it be university, degree apprenticeships, employment, or any other post-18 option. Another reason I chose Wath Sixth Form was the options available to me in terms of subjects, as well as extra-curricular activities.
I chose to study 3 A-Levels, in Biology, Maths and PE. I chose to study Biology as I really enjoyed it at GCSE, and combined my interest of the use of statistical data to provide conclusions on investigations, with anatomical and physiological elements of the specification which directly relates to my PE A-Level. I chose this as I have always enjoyed PE practically, as well as the theoretical element , in which this course combines the two really well. Finally I chose Maths as I have enjoyed this throughout my time at school, as it implements problem-solving skills where every scenario is different, which I think directly applies to different challenges in other situations, both academically and in life.
I intend to go on to higher education in the USA in which I have been offered a scholarship for football (soccer) as well as studying a major in Accountancy at Missouri Valley College. This is a great opportunity in which I think is definitely a direct path for other footballers to attain an excellent football experience, whilst attaining a degree that can also set-up for a strong career in whatever you choose to pursue post-18, in my case, the accountancy/finance sector.
I believe me being a part of the Football Scholars programme has definitely helped me in so many ways. Primarily, my football ability/knowledge of the game has definitely increased, working with top coaches on a day-to-day basis. From the training sessions, to the video analysis sessions and the matches, it is a real top experience for any 16-18 year old person who has an interest in the game, and more importantly, an interest in wanting to improve as a player and develop as a person. I have been able to share my experiences with current Year 11 students, and from me on my own coming onto the scholarship programme from St. Pius, we now have plenty of interest from current St. Pius students, which suggests the real positive impact it has had not only on myself, but everybody on the programme.
I would 100% recommend Wath Sixth Form to anybody. Being an external student coming in for a short period just under 2 years can be difficult on paper anywhere, however the environment provided at Wath with a close support network available to students, as well as being around people who share similar interests sets up for an excellent experience from both an academic perspective, as well as a social perspective.
I think character-building in Sixth Form is vital. It is the final period in your life whereby you have such a close network of people available to confer with, so attaining skills that will set you up for the following years in employment is so key. I have had the opportunity to be Deputy Head Boy, which has involved overseeing events in school, as well as being involved in the organisation of roles etc. This has aided my confidence in situations, which has increased my performance in these kinds of scenarios. It has also aided other skills which are directly transferable to other elements of life, including professionalism and time management. Also being a part of the Votes for Schools campaign has aided my aided my ability to articulate a point/argument, as well as viewing hot-topics in the world from different perspectives, expanding my general knowledge.
I would give 2 key pieces of advice to prospective students. Firstly, choose subjects and extra-curricular activities you enjoy. The more you enjoy a subject, the more engaged you will be with the content, which will maximise not only the experience you get out of Sixth Form, but also the results. Secondly, attack every opportunity available. Experience is a currency that can be spent throughout employment and life, evident in personal statements etc. and 2 years goes a lot faster than you may think.
Head Girl – Alicia Harrison 2018-2020

I chose to study at Wath Sixth Form because I’d already been there for 5 years and it seemed silly to move to a different college when I knew that Wath was a really good school with really good teachers!
The subjects I chose to study were BTEC Science, BTEC Sport and BTEC Health and Social Care. I chose these subjects because exams haven’t always been the most favourite thing I’ve ever done. By doing BTECs I still had to do exams, but I didn’t feel as pressured as I still did coursework to support my grade. I didn’t want to be stressed as much as I felt I was at GCSE so it was a perfect choice for me. I chose BTEC Sport as I’ve always loved playing netball and love the anatomy and physiology side to it all. Health and Social Care and BTEC Science have really helped me as I want to be a nurse, when I had my interviews for university I had so much knowledge on the profession already!
Next year I’m hoping to study adult nursing at either Leeds Beckett or Sheffield Hallam, I can’t decide where yet!
I would recommend Wath Sixth Form because it’s not only such a good place to learn but the Sixth Form team make sure you’re always on track and you make so many amazing friendships along the way.
Wath Sixth Form has helped me build my character as I have had opportunities doing many different things, such as student council and student panel, this allowed students to give a voice on things that were to happen around school and an input on who could potentially be their future teachers. It’s also increased my confidence as I had the opportunity in being Head Girl which I was totally surprised at but loved it! The senior student team helped other people and helped out at lots of events such as parents evening and career days.
Once piece of advice to year 11’s is to do your best and don’t let your exams take over your life! Still try your best, but allow yourself your own time to do your own thing and chill out. Get yourself into a routine in plenty of time so you’re organised, it always helped me :).
Leo Kelly – Head Boy 2018-2020

As an external student, having attended Swinton Academy for the previous 5 years, my decision to join Wath Sixth Form was not an easy one. However, I know it was certainly the right one.
Coming to Wath to study my A-Levels was, the best decision I could’ve made at the end of Y11. It has a strong reputation and it gave me the independent but structured environment I was looking for. Of course, joining a new school was a daunting task but I couldn’t have been made to feel more welcome especially by the staff, who do their utmost to support everyone, regardless of if you're an internal or external student. Although friendship groups among Wath students are naturally well established by the start of Year 12, I was overwhelmed by the friendliness and acceptance people showed me. I was made me feel comfortable to talk to new people and forge the right friendships during my time at Sixth Form, which is a key element in why Wath is such a great place to study.
Another is the culture of hard work and success which is present throughout the school, particularly towards A-Levels and BTECs, the outstanding results of which the school takes immense pride in. With its dedicated study area and wealth of helpful resources, the Sixth Form is an environment in which I could work hard to gain the all important qualifications to get me to the next chapter of my life.
I chose to study A-levels in Maths, History and Physics, all of which proved to be excellent choices, giving me strong qualifications and a better understanding of the world. These were the three I had enjoyed the most at GCSE so this is definitely a good approach for anyone choosing their options. It’s also good to pick a variety of subjects, not only for future opportunities, but also for your own enjoyment. Although Maths and physics are quite similar, studying history provided more variety of learning, with more essay based assessment.
Being a Wath student also means plentiful of opportunity for character development, aiming to give students a more wholesome education and making students more ready for life after school. Life skills sessions are given by guest speakers, which allow students to gain invaluable knowledge on topics such as employability and mental wellbeing. Furthermore, Votes for Schools is an activity given in tutor time which broadens understanding of key issues and encourages students to form and express opinions. Personally, I was fortunate enough to be voted Head Boy during my time at Sixth Form which was a huge honour. This gave me opportunities to lead student panels, coordinate events and represent the sixth form, all of which improved my people skills and helped to boost my confidence.
My advice to students who choose to join Wath Sixth Form would be to enjoy it as much as possible. These are the last two years of school education and if done right, should be the best. Make new friends, learn lots and make as many great memories as possible. There’s so much opportunity to make your time at Sixth Form a positive one and make yourself a better person for what lies ahead.
Olivia Bell – Deputy Head Girl 2018-2020

I chose to study at Wath Sixth Form after loving my time there from Year 7. Not only did I already have a feel for what a nice, welcoming learning environment Sixth Form would provide but with the amazing A Level and BTEC results achieved each year, I knew that the Sixth Form staff would be able to help me reach my full potential.
The subjects I chose to study were Biology, History and Psychology to give myself variety in my subjects, so as to limit my post-18 options as little as possible. Biology and History were two of my favourite and strongest subjects at GCSE; providing me with two ‘facilitating subjects’ in both a STEM and an essay-based subject. Psychology was my favourite GCSE subject and I was intrigued to study this further at A Level.
In October I hope to read Law at the University of Cambridge! Before joining Sixth Form being offered a place at one of the best universities in the world is something I would never have believed I could achieve! With encouragement from my subject teachers and Sixth Form staff and help with my application and interview preparation, I now have a life changing opportunity which I highly doubt would have been possible without them.
I would definitely recommend Wath Sixth Form to anyone looking to study A Levels or BTECs after Year 11. The friendly, comfortable and accepting atmosphere amongst students and staff creates a small family unlike any college. Whilst you do gain much more freedom in Sixth Form than through previous years, a sense of closeness with the Sixth Form team and more hands-on teaching from staff remains, to ensure that you are doing your best. For me this was important, as in a college environment with much less supervision from staff it would be much easier to fall behind on coursework or lose motivation. As long as you manage your time and study periods effectively, there is still plenty of time to socialise.
Sixth Form provides all its students with a great range of opportunities and experiences. In Year 12, all students are required to take part in two weeks of work experience, which is an amazing opportunity to make the most of. My work experience placement was at a solicitors in Sheffield which really helped to strengthen my university application. Being Deputy Head Girl and part of the Student Council allowed me and others to develop many skills such as confidence in speaking to unfamiliar people and expressing opinions. Finally, Votes for Schools, which provides weekly lessons on contemporary issues and current affairs that then become subject of debate within tutor groups is a great asset to the school. This was of particular use to me as one of the topics discussed as part of Votes for Schools – modern day slavery – came up in my first interview for Cambridge. Having prior knowledge on this allowed me to feel much more confident in answering the questions I was given and I’m certain contributed to them offering me a place on their course.
One piece of advice I would offer to Year 11s is to choose your A level options wisely. Make sure you pick subjects that you don’t struggle with academically to give yourself a good chance of success at A Level, but most importantly pick subjects that you enjoy! It is much easier to put in the extra time needed at A Level outside of lesson, and to stay engaged if you enjoy what you are learning about. Also, try to get involved in as much as possible. Opportunities such as becoming a Senior Student are a great way to get involved with helping the school (and it looks great on job and university applications!).
Student comments
“I love Wath Academy Sixth Form because, despite being from another school, Wath made me feel at home. Wath Sixth Form is like one big family because everyone supports each other through happy and sad moments. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend these last couple of years anywhere else”
“The Sixth Form team is AMAZING!”
“I feel valued and accepted for the person I am and have been supported to grow into the person I am today”
“I love Wath Academy Sixth From because of the support, friendships and happiness it brings”
“All the teachers and those in the Sixth Form office are so supportive and turn negatives into positives”
“My favourite memory of Wath Academy Sixth Form is the amazing Christmas dinner in the hall”
“My favourite memory at Wath Sixth Form is the assembly games and seeing the tutors play games with reindeer antlers”
“My favourite memory of Wath Academy Sixth Form is being surrounded by the most amazing friends and teachers through difficult and amazing times. I can’t pick a single memory – I’ve loved every minute”
“I would recommend Wath Sixth Form because I’ve met he most amazing friends I will love forever and there are great teachers who honestly care about their student’s wellbeing not just how they perform in exams”
“I would recommend Wath Acadmey Sixth Form because it has a great study area, 10/10 vending and coffee machines and lots and lots of support”
“There is an overwhelming amount of support regarding universities or any general problems that any student has. Wath Academy Sixth Form is full of the most amazing students and staff and I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my time anywhere else”